Building Floorplans Directory

Eastlands Shopping Centre
26 Bligh Street, Rosny Park
Tel:(03) 6244 5222
Fax: (03) 6244 6675
Email: Send email

This list indicates stores that are loaded into the FindNearest retailer database. Unless the shopping centre is a subscriber to the FindNearest service, it is not intended to be complete.

Current Records: 98; Estimated Total: 1; Complete: ~100%

Category unsorted Shop Nameunsorted Shop Nounsorted Telephone Hide Logos Map Accuracyunsorted
Major Retailers
Spacer Discount Department Stores Big W U61 6245 0733 Big W  logo 9/10
Spacer Discount Department Stores Kmart G52 6244 6166 Kmart  logo 9/10
Spacer Fashion (400m²+) Best & Less G05 6244 3105 Best & Less  logo 9/10
Spacer Full Supermarket Coles Supermarket G51 6244 3944 Coles Supermarket  logo 9/10
Spacer Full Supermarket Woolworths   6211 6811 Woolworths  logo 9/10
Spacer Family Footwear Betts U04A 6244 7116 Betts  logo 9/10
Spacer Family Footwear Payless Shoes U016 6244 7141 Payless Shoes  logo 9/10
Spacer Family Footwear Williams The Shoemen U09 6244 5622 Williams The Shoemen  logo 9/10
Spacer Handbags and Luggage Strandbags V050 6244 2688 Strandbags  logo 9/10
Spacer Jeans Jay Jays U25 6244 8869 Jay Jays  logo 9/10
Spacer Jeans Jeans West U11A 6245 9204 Jeans West  logo 9/10
Spacer Jeans Just Jeans U12 6244 6362 Just Jeans  logo 9/10
Spacer Mixed Fashion Rivers U09A 6244 7855 Rivers  logo 9/10
Spacer Sports Fashion Sportsco U39 6244 8850 Sportsco  logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Fashion Millers Fashion Club U8 6244 5177 Millers Fashion Club  logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Fashion Noni B U11 6244 8755 Noni B  logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Fashion Portmans U07 6244 1481 Portmans  logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Fashion Rockmans U10 6244 5203 Rockmans  logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Fashion Sussan U47 6244 4246 Sussan  logo 9/10
Spacer Women's Fashion Suzanne Grae U22 6244 8469 Suzanne Grae  logo 9/10
Fresh Food
Spacer Bread & Cakes Muffin Break KK02 6244 5415 Muffin Break  logo 9/10
Spacer Liquor Cheaper Liquor E001 6211 6866 Cheaper Liquor  logo 9/10
Takeaway Food
Spacer Cafe Gloria Jean's Coffees U40 6244 7744 Gloria Jean's Coffees  logo 9/10
Spacer Cafe Muffin Break KK02 6244 5415 Muffin Break  logo 9/10
Spacer Donuts Donut King G02 6244 1711 Donut King  logo 9/10
Spacer Ice Cream Wendy's G19 6244 1946 Wendy's  logo 9/10
Personal Purchases
Spacer Cosmetics, Fragrances, Skin Care Perfume Connection G013 6244 6772 Perfume Connection  logo 9/10
Spacer Cosmetics, Fragrances, Skin Care Priceline G22 6244 8100 Priceline  logo 9/10
Spacer General Gifts What's New U33 6245 9088 What's New  logo 9/10
Spacer Jewellery Diamond World U26 6244 4781 Diamond World  logo 9/10
Spacer Jewellery Prouds U5 6244 7707 Prouds  logo 9/10
Spacer Newsagent Nextra 28 - 30 6244 5838 Nextra  logo 9/10
Spacer Toys & Games Socrates G25 6244 1766 Socrates  logo 9/10
Household Goods
Spacer Communications Fone Zone G20 6244 8435 Fone Zone  logo 9/10
Spacer Communications TeleChoice Kiosk KK1 6245 0053 TeleChoice  logo 9/10
Spacer Computers and Software EB Games U20 6244 5320 EB Games  logo 9/10
Spacer Domestic Appliances Godfreys G28 6245 1811 Godfreys  logo 9/10
Spacer Homewares Homeart U15 6244 4361 Homeart  logo 9/10
Retail Services
Spacer Hairdresser Just Cuts G01A 6244 6477 Just Cuts  logo 9/10
Spacer Hairdresser Price Attack G14 6244 6577 Price Attack  logo 9/10
Non-Retail Services
Spacer ATM Credit Union Australia ATM     Credit Union Australia ATM  logo 9/10
Spacer ATM Credit Union Australia ATM     Credit Union Australia ATM  logo 9/10
Spacer Health Insurance MBF Centre G34   MBF Centre  logo 9/10

Please note that Burnett Innovation, the owners of the FindNearest service, do NOT own or manage any property assets. We have no affiliation with the shopping centres themselves.